LOOC image: Two business people agreeing a deal by shaking hands Leading Office Overriding Commission

 Main Details 
 Account Details 
 Security Details 

Contact details for your logon account. All fields are compulsory.

First name
Telephone format must be in 01608 812500 format. If you have an ext. then include the 3 or 4 digit number after the hash key. For example 01608 812500#012.
Office & logon details for your LOOC account. All fields are compulsory.

Member Office
Responsibilities Select the role/s you will be performing within the site. They will be confirmed by your Scheme Contact.
Repeat username
This will be your username for logging onto the site. It must be 6 alphanumerical characters long with at least 1 letter
Email address
Repeat email
This must be your work email address.
  The data you provide here is be used to logon to the site and your user account page.

Repeat password
Please note your password must be between 8-10 in length and have at least 1 uppercase, 1 lowercase, 1 special and 1 numerical character
Security code
Repeat code
This code will be requested if you need reminding of your logon credentials. It must be 6 characters long and may consist of just letters, just numbers or both. It is not case sensitive.
  All fields complete?